HumanEval: Evaluating Large Language Models Trained on Code


Evaluating correctness for synthesizing Python programs from docstrings. Demonstrates custom scorers and sandboxing untrusted model code.

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HumanEval is a benchmark to evaluate a model’s performance on synthesizing programs from docstrings. This implementation is based on the official implementation.


First, install the inspect_ai and inspect_evals Python packages with:

pip install inspect_ai
pip install git+

Then, evaluate against one more models with:

inspect eval inspect_evals/humaneval --model openai/gpt-4o

If you don’t want to specify the --model each time you run an evaluation, create a .env configuration file in your working directory that defines the INSPECT_EVAL_MODEL environment variable along with your API key. For example:



You can control a variety of options from the command line. For example:

inspect eval inspect_evals/humaneval --limit 10
inspect eval inspect_evals/humaneval --max-connections 10
inspect eval inspect_evals/humaneval --temperature 0.5

See inspect eval --help for all available options.


Here is an example prompt from the dataset:

from typing import List

def has_close_elements(numbers: List[float], threshold: float) -> bool:
   """Check if in given list of numbers, are any two numbers closer to
   each other than given threshold.
   >>> has_close_elements([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], 0.5)
   >>> has_close_elements([1.0, 2.8, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 2.0], 0.3)

The model is then tasked to fill in the missing code pieces in order to make this a working function.


Once a generation is completed, the entire function, accompanied with unit tests, is run in a subprocess and is considered a success if all unit tests pass.

The benchmark uses the \(\text{pass}@k\) metric to measure functional correctness. In brief terms, this is the per problem probability of at least 1 correct sample generation given \(k\) generations. It is defined using the following expectation:

\[ \text{pass@}k := \underset{\text{Problems}}{\mathbb{E}}\left[1-\frac{{n-c}\choose{k}}{{n}\choose{k}}\right]\]

where we sample \(n \geq k\) generations to reduce variance. Note that the default in this benchmark implementation is \(n = 5\), and we evaluate \(\text{pass}@k\) for \(k \in \\{1, 2, 5\\}\).